Saturday, February 19, 2011

Interesting & Embarrassing Facts

When I was little I...was jealous my little brother had an eye infection, so I stuck my finger in the goop and rubbed it in my eye (gross, I know).

...would sneak a jar of Tang out of the kitchen pantry at night (with my little brother) and we would lay belly down on the stairs (while my parents were watching a movie) and secretly watch TV and dip our fingers in the Tang.

...would sneak out at night at my grandmother's house (with my little brother) on our hands and knees once everyone was asleep and quietly crawl to her glass candy dish in the dining room and take candy back to our beds. 

As a kid I always wanted to be...a doctor that would discover the cure for Parkinson's disease, a teacher, a singer (I would lay in bed singing at the top of my lungs all the primary songs from church), a dermatologist and a writer. I had big ambitions :)

My favorite shows when I was little were...The Polka Dot Door, Today's Special, Little House on the Prairie and later, the Wonder Years and Growing Pains. Yes, I had a crush on Fred Savage and Kirk Cameron.

 Do you remember this show? The Mannequin would come alive? LOL.

One of the coolest things my parents ever did was...Let my friends and I take permanent marker to my walls in my bedroom and draw and write messages. My mom was in the process of transitioning my room from a little girls to a teenagers, so before she repainted, she let me have some fun with it for a couple of months :)

The most fun I ever had as a kid with a friend was...with JoAnn. Memories include: her making cake and us eating it plain with no frosting, swimming at Alta Canyon Pool, riding our bikes, the book mobile, jumping on the trampoline, her mom french braiding my hair, falling asleep to music in a comfy bed in the basement, bottles of pickles and doing pull-ups on her dad's exercise bar in the basement, eating candy in her dad's huge car in the garage, going on a vacation, playing cards and her wearing her Georgia Peach jammy shirt, talking about falling in love, school and our dreams for the future :)

The first time I was French kissed was...either at Park City from a guy much older than me, who was not aware that I had braces (Shannon you will remember this) or a boy named Fred at Lagoon Amusement Park (behind a food stand) and he gave me the most horrid canker sore infection. Is that bad that I can't remember?

My first kiss on the lips was with a boy named Jeremy Johnson after school one day in junior high in front of the LDS seminary building. I remember I was with my friend Deanne and I was so elated that he had kissed me :)   My friend Deanne died years ago from brain cancer..but I am so grateful to have such meaningful memories with her. -S


  1. I loved Today's Special and Small Wonder! :) That takes me back. :)

  2. Enjoyed reading about you as a Kid.
    Fun times and Memories made.
    Bless you!
    Love, Sue

  3. I loved remembering all of those summertime childhood memories! Remember when we would cut up popsicles and mix them with orange juice? I also remember riding bikes up around the "Big Bend". I swear we walked, biked, swam and ran all summer. I doubt our parents had any idea where we were half of the time!
