Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekly Quote & Other Ramblings

“We so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”
 — Alexander Graham Bell

Yesterday was tough. Plain. And. Simple. I did not get dressed, brush my hair, or leave the house. Why? Perhaps I was frustrated at the lack of information and suggestions I received at the support group, the various things I have going on (fissures, staph infection in my nose & major cold sores on my lip) or maybe I just needed a day to just do nothing.

 I think it's hard for me to justify days like that because I feel like since my husband is at work and I have three kids to take care of, despite being sick, I need to be a super mom & wife. But some days, that is just not possible and I have to be okay with that. My blinds, top of fridge and many other corners of my house are dusty from all the construction, closets need to be organized and the baseboard needs to get finished. But alas, I just cannot find the motivation right now. Shocker. I know.

Today is a new day and frankly, I'm over it. I woke up today and met a friend at a park, had a lunch date with my husband, went grocery shopping and made sugar cookies with the kids. I am meeting a friend in the morning to hang out and the next few days will be spent with my husband (on his days off) doing fun things with the girls for Spring Break.

I think for me, when I get in a funk, the key is to plan outings with friends and make myself suck it up, deal with the pain and live life. But, in all honesty, I cannot possibly do that every single day. Today, after I showered and was about to head out the door to meet my friend, the itching, burning and stinging started. I get so sick of it. It's hard  to not give in to the temptation of wanting to crawl into a ball and just sleep for days :(

Tomorrow I start my training at Ashford to teach online classes. I hope the stress and overall routine of it will be good for me. I loved the routine of graduate school, so I'm sure this will be a nice change-an open door of sorts. ~S

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