Saturday, April 16, 2011

Splendid Saturday!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it a Splendid Saturday you ask?! For lots of reasons!
  • Matt cleaned the house and wood floor for me when I was volunteering at RMHC, then made dinner and gave me a foot massage. I was exhausted from volunteering then coming straight home to grade for three hours.
  • I got all my birthday (for Maddie) and Easter shopping done.
  • I finished up my grading for the week
  • My cold is finally gone (including my cough...for the most part)
  • I got an unexpected $356 which I am going to use for clothes shopping and Father's Day
  • My parents are coming in exactly 5 days
  • I got to put together Easter baskets for the families at RMHC-so fun :)
  • My training for teaching online classes is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Matt got Easter off work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited for Easter.  Originally, Matt had to work so we were trying to figure out when exactly the Easter Bunny would be visiting our house. Our only option to do the egg hunt was on Friday-meaning the kids would be missing school. Matt has Wed-Friday off which means that if a holiday falls on his days off, he gets it off-which is not the case with Easter. So he requested it off and got it! In the past, we have always tried to bid for his days off to be ones that won't interfere with holidays. We have always been able to work it out though. His work is awesome. The last two times he was scheduled to work on Christmas, they sent him home :)

My parents are spending Easter with us and then leaving right before Maddie's 6th birthday. Can you believe she is almost 6?! Where does the time go? She is having a party and sleepover with three of her closest friends. I am very excited to celebrate it with her.

Hope you all have a great weekend! ~S

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