Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bad News

It seems like bad news comes in clusters-at least for my family. Last week, one of my older brothers was hit by a car while riding his bicycle and dragged. He is alive thank goodness and recovering. It was very scary for my family when we got the news.

I woke up today determined to rid my house of dust. My son has horrible allergies to the point that he gets bloody noses and so I decided to do a quick clean. I scrubbed every single wood blind in my house and dusted all the baseboards and six panel doors. I decided to take a break when my little brother called. My mom has been hospitalized-possibly for weeks. She is very ill. Like I said, just when you take a breath, the life gets sucked out of you again.

She has been sick for some time now. I knew a month ago she was bad and every time the phone rang, I thought it was "that" dreaded call-the end. Thankfully, it was not today.

My dad is also ill with Parkinson's and can't be left alone. So I will be heading to MT probably in the next few days. My brothers and I will take turns taking care of my parents house, my dad, and cooking. Stress always makes him feel worse as it does me.

Right now we are brainstorming about what to do with the little ones. Do I take them or leave them? I think it would be hard to take three kids and care for my dad. I'm sure it will all work out though. Thankfully, I can work from home at my dad's house and have no problem taking time off at my other job. Plus, I have friends that would be more than willing to take my kids.

Matt works two jobs today (literally a 15-16 hour shift) so I will do what I do best to occupy myself and keep the stress at bay-CLEAN!

Please keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers. She has only been this sick once and it was really, really bad on all of us.


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