This Song Speaks to Me:
I struggle with feeling desirable (in regards to my lady parts) and have a fear that at some point, my husband will no longer find me attractive. It is hard enough in today's society to feel confident without having a disease ravish the one part of a woman's body that is suppose to be pleasurable.
To me, this song is very romantic. I think all of us, despite our challenges, wishes for a person to see the beauty inside and not focus on the outside. I love the line about being a butterfly held captive. I feel that way sometimes....I know I am beautiful, but ...I'm captive in many ways with pain, itching and scarring.
I am lucky to have such a great husband. He is understanding and does things to make me feel special. I hope that he can get past what I was like down there, and be okay with how it is now, and what it will become. I know for me, this is a huge challenge. However, it is hard for me to remember when I was not in pain and when it looked "normal."
I hope, despite what happens with my disease, that he will always find me beautiful, even with my scars, and be able to see the beauty within. ~S
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