Matt's work has been going through much change. They decided to go to five-eight hour shifts instead of four-ten hour ones. Not a big deal right? YES! Especially when you have work planned around it (me) and you are used to three days off.
So, Matt decided to go to graveyards for this rotation (because they are staying on four tens). After he did the bidding for his shift and so did everyone else, they decided to also keep swing shift on four tens! Ugh! I think they should have re-bid because that is not fair to the people on graveyard who only chose that to keep their three days off. Now there are guys under Matt who have the desired shift. Argggg.
Sucky. We are trying to be positive though. I know there are many people who do not have work and so forth, but this is my blog and I want to complain. LOL.
His first night started yesterday and boy was it tough. Due to my working, he only slept about four hours before he went in. Then today, as soon as he got home, I went to work. So he did not get to bed until well after 4. He has to go in at 9! Boy is he going to be tired.
Eventually I know we will get this thing worked out. I keep reminding myself it is only for 6 months, but then I think, 6 months!
Another hard thing is not sleeping together. I woke up about ten times last night. I am so used to staying up until he gets home (when he worked swing shift) that it is hard for me not to wake up and keep checking the bed to see if he is home.
At least this is the first time he has ever been on graveyards and he has been a cop for almost 6 years. When you first get hired, you have to work graveyard due to the seniority. Luckily, when Matt got hired, they hired many more under him so he bipased that :).
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