Thursday, February 14, 2013

First Goal Accomplished & Lessons Learned

First Goal:
Guess what?! In 3 short months we have hit our first fundraising goal! Congrats to Bryan Utley for winning the gun raffle!

Thanks to my amazing husband who worked so hard to distribute tickets. For the Gun Raffle alone we profited $2,150!!!!!  For a total amount raised of $7,850.

I am now able to schedule and pay completely for the Stem Cell Procedure and medications!
Wow.  So blessed.

Now we need to hit our travel expenses goal. Not sure how much this will be, but I am estimating at least 2k. We have plenty of time to do it, some great fundraisers coming up and I am confident it will happen. At least we don't need all of the travel expenses up front like the procedure. Since I go 3x, all I need before August is the first travel expense (airline tickets and so forth) which we already have!

I decided to go with August for the first procedure because June and July are busy with birthdays, an anniversary and other important events. I needed to do it when school is out so child care for all three kids would be easier. August is pretty laid back around here ;)

Lessons Learned:
"Faith allows things to happen.  It is the power that comes from a fearless heart. And when a fearless heart believes, miracles happen." 

I LOVE this quote. I had a ton of fear when I first decided to do fundraisers to help me get the treatment I need. I would have to reveal my disease, ask for help and face the fear of rejection.  I had to face that fear and have faith that I would be taken care of.

I have learned through this process (especially since we can see who has donated) that I am very, very blessed. Complete strangers, organizations, businesses, friends and family have all come together in my behalf.  People who had little or no money to give, gave anyway.  People went without Christmas gifts for ME. 

I have a full heart at the love that has been shown and all the support. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all these people and the community.  It is such an indescribable feeling to know that when you are in need, humanity is not lost--people come together.

There are some people I thought would donate, even a small amount, who have not. However, I will not focus on who did not, but rather who did and continue to do so. I am indeed a loved person and I have so many holding me up at this time.

I have always had an innate sense of compassion and charity ever since I was little and am so blessed to have met so many people that do as well. I am reminded of this quote: 
"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." -1 John 3:17-18

Through this process, I have really found out who my true friends are and met many more along the way ;)

How blessed am I to have so many people with open hearts.  Happy Valentines Day. xoxo ~S

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