Wednesday, April 3, 2013

11k Views Giveaway!!!!!

I decided to do a fun giveaway once this blog hits 11,000 page views.

The rules are simple:

1.  Leave me a comment to this post describing how FAITH influences your life in helping you cope with pain, stress or life in general. It can be faith in a higher power, faith in your own abilities, faith in friends and family or anything else. 

2.  Check back for my response to your post and once we hit 11k views, I will announce the winner!

So what is the prize you might ask? 

Since I LOVE Pottery Barn, I will send the winner a little something via mail from them. 

I am approaching my Stem Cell Procedure in a few months and I need some inspiration. Tell me your story here.

"Faith allows things to happen. It is the power that comes from
a fearless heart. And when a fearless heart believes, miracles
happen." -Author Unknown


1 comment:

  1. I will go first...
    Faith is what drives my life. Faith in God is my biggest motivator. Even with less then perfect understanding of his plan, I have faith that as long as I am doing my best, He will bless my life in ways that I could never do myself. I have been on both sides of the fence and keeping that Faith in God is way better then pride and turning away from him. I recently went through a week of feeling completely pointless. I saw, heard, and felt things that made me question my purpose like never before. It was a pretty discouraging week. I had to remember my faith in God to pull me out of that funk.
