Thursday, July 25, 2013

Emotional Roller Coaster

The day of my last appointment (Wednesday) I was in complete despair. When I originally got the price quote from Dr. Newman (keep in mind he had not seen me yet) I was told 7k plus additional costs for PRP (plasma).  I thought that meant that in the future, after the 3 treatments, it would be $750 to maintain. I was wrong.

I have already spent money on blood work ($500), air fare, rental car, skirts/yoga pants to wear after the surgery and the first initial treatment (7k). I have about $1400 left and have to once again pay for blood work (as the tests are only good according to law for 6 months) two more times of travel, rental car, hotel and plasma at $750 each time.  Needless to say, we have fallen short-very short.

I was lying on the exam table in complete despair. I was just laid off from work, fundraising for the last 8 months was exhausting and took a toll, and without all three treatments, all of this has been for nothing. I could not help but cry.  All my hopes were vanished in that one moment.

I could not help but look around at people in the streets, in cars and in restaurants and envy them for their normality.  I could not believe that this is my life and my challenge.

The worst part, remission has been seen to last 9 months to 3 years at which point, this will all have to be done again.  I need to get a job just to stay somewhat out of pain.

Today is day 4.  I cannot walk without my compression garment as I have burning and a heavy weight with pain from where he harvested the stem cells. The area of the injections is swollen, itchy and in pain.  I am trying to take it easy and stay hopeful. I am not seeing any results so far, but realize that could take six weeks.

My next appointment is scheduled for November 14th. Hopefully I will have enough money raised or get an awesome job offer before then to enable me to go. I have to keep remembering that I am paving the way to help Dr. Newman gather enough proof and research to get grants to hopefully one day enable my daughters to have a cure or at least their insurance pay for the treatment for this horrible disease. ~S

Stomach after harvesting stem cells. Very painful and swollen.

Inflammation treatment for the body. You just stick your hand in the machine.

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