Matt is officially off-work (except for his training in Bend for three days) until June 24th!
So, this blog may be quiet for a while as we will be on vacation for a few weeks.
I just started teaching a psychology class as well as finishing up my sociology class.
We (well Matt) are busy installing a pond in our backyard-pics to follow.
The kids are getting excited for school to be out in two weeks and vacation.
I am planning a girl's night while Matt is gone with a bunch of friends..excited for that :).
I am also brainstorming on what to do for Jaiden's birthday (that is three days after mine). It is hard when they get older as the dynamic of parties and the idea of them changes.
I can't believe that tomorrow is June!
Happy Thursday! ~S
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day 2012
Both my Dad and Grandfather served our country, so it is nice to have a day to honor the men and women who protect our freedom.
My grandfather passed away a few years ago and I never really knew his role serving our country until his passing, which is unfortunate because I would have liked to talk to him about it. I know that he was a USAF Captain, and a tail gunner on B25 airplanes and B29's in World War II. He flew B36's and was later a navigator on B47's. He received the Soldier's Medal for heroism and was later decorated with the Knights of the Sphinx medal by King Paul of Greece. He amassed more than 5,000 flying hours during his career. Wow! Amazing.
My dad served during Vietnam in Germany as a data processor. I always loved looking at all his slides from his time in the military. I am so grateful that his education and skills kept him away from the fighting.
We celebrated Memorial Day as most Americans do, with a barbecue. We had an early celebration due to Matt having to go to work at one. I decided yesterday to have a get-together, so I quickly text messaged friends and ran to Costco (a half-hour before they closed!), put a menu together and decorated the house.
We had some friends over and my parents since they are still in town. It turned out really nice considering it was so last minute.
I hope at some point today, you reflect on all the sacrifices that many men and women make each day. Happy Memorial Day. ~S
Saturday, May 26, 2012
I have & had a ton of social events this week, plus my parents are here. But, I am having a bad week pain wise. I started using my steriod (Clobetasol) cream again to try to ease the itching and stinging. Sucks when you are in pain but you have to appear happy. I am hoping that by the time I go on vacation and my birthday rolls around....I will feel better :(. ~S
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
I have been asked many times how I balance everything (work, three kids, chores and so forth). The main thing people (women that is) are curious about is how I keep my house so clean. It really is easy and to me comes naturally-always has.
I have a way of both spending time with my kids AND cleaning. I have had friends in the past make remarks about how they would rather spend time with their kids than clean, but trust me, it is possible to do both and enjoy it.
When I came home from work today, Matt had to leave to court and the house was a mess. I had not seen Ashlin all day and wanted to spend time with her, but the kitchen needed to be cleaned. So, instead of stressing out, I simply got out her paints, sat her at the bar by me and we chatted about her day while I cleaned the kitchen.
She created some beautiful works of art that we will hang in our hallway, I got the kitchen sparkly clean and we bonded. Easy.
This is what she created...
I have a way of both spending time with my kids AND cleaning. I have had friends in the past make remarks about how they would rather spend time with their kids than clean, but trust me, it is possible to do both and enjoy it.
When I came home from work today, Matt had to leave to court and the house was a mess. I had not seen Ashlin all day and wanted to spend time with her, but the kitchen needed to be cleaned. So, instead of stressing out, I simply got out her paints, sat her at the bar by me and we chatted about her day while I cleaned the kitchen.
She created some beautiful works of art that we will hang in our hallway, I got the kitchen sparkly clean and we bonded. Easy.
This is what she created...
What do you do with your kids while you clean? ~S
Monday, May 21, 2012
I am a little overwhelmed with what is going on in the next week. Ugh.
I have: A funeral, wedding shower, baby shower, work, hair appointment, visit teaching appointments and running kids to various activities (shots, piano, birthday party and two school functions). Plus, my parents want to come from MT-it is my mom's birthday as well.
Being busy is good, but this is a little too busy for me :/.
June will be strange, but fun too.
Matt is leaving on a business trip (his first since he joined the PD) for three days.
Fun times trying to juggle my two jobs with him gone and three kids.
Then he has almost the whole month off due to us going on vacation. Yipee.
The last two weeks were rough to say the least. We had sick kids, I was sick and Matt was working strange hours. He was working almost 14 hours a day while on a training shift (DUI car) at night for two weeks. Glad that is over.
His new shift starts in July and he will still have three days off a week *happy sigh*.
This is what my kids are excited about right now. Yes, that is a cat, one a leash. Don't ask.
I am so amped up about our vacation to Utah! My childhood friend is flying from Kentucky to Utah and I am meeting up with three other childhood friends from my college days and HS. Also, my friend/old nanny boss and her kids will also be spending time with me and meeting my family. Sooo exicted. It will be hard to fit it all in in three days PLUS go to Lagoon (Six Flags).
We are planning on showing the kids the house that we lived in when we first got married, the house I grew up in and Matt grew up in and visiting with his family.
Then we are headed to Colorado to see his dad for Father's Day and spend the next week there. Fun Fun.
Matt is mad at me though. Why? Remember in my previous post how I was pondering on either working or not during our vacation? Guess what I did?! I signed up to teach a Psychology class. Naughty!
So...I will be working at least one job a few hours a day on vacation. I can't help it. Don't be mad Honey! Hehe.
Guess what I ordered? You have your husband's birthstone, DPSST number and abbreviation of the department they work in (obviously this is just an example and not actually mine). Super excited for this to come!
Happy Monday everyone. Don't go putting your kids in the washing machine! Did you see that video on the internet? Crazy! Some parents really should not have kids. Thank goodness that poor toddler is okay. ~S
I have: A funeral, wedding shower, baby shower, work, hair appointment, visit teaching appointments and running kids to various activities (shots, piano, birthday party and two school functions). Plus, my parents want to come from MT-it is my mom's birthday as well.
Being busy is good, but this is a little too busy for me :/.
June will be strange, but fun too.
Matt is leaving on a business trip (his first since he joined the PD) for three days.
Fun times trying to juggle my two jobs with him gone and three kids.
Then he has almost the whole month off due to us going on vacation. Yipee.
The last two weeks were rough to say the least. We had sick kids, I was sick and Matt was working strange hours. He was working almost 14 hours a day while on a training shift (DUI car) at night for two weeks. Glad that is over.
His new shift starts in July and he will still have three days off a week *happy sigh*.
This is what my kids are excited about right now. Yes, that is a cat, one a leash. Don't ask.
I am so amped up about our vacation to Utah! My childhood friend is flying from Kentucky to Utah and I am meeting up with three other childhood friends from my college days and HS. Also, my friend/old nanny boss and her kids will also be spending time with me and meeting my family. Sooo exicted. It will be hard to fit it all in in three days PLUS go to Lagoon (Six Flags).
We are planning on showing the kids the house that we lived in when we first got married, the house I grew up in and Matt grew up in and visiting with his family.
Then we are headed to Colorado to see his dad for Father's Day and spend the next week there. Fun Fun.
Matt is mad at me though. Why? Remember in my previous post how I was pondering on either working or not during our vacation? Guess what I did?! I signed up to teach a Psychology class. Naughty!
So...I will be working at least one job a few hours a day on vacation. I can't help it. Don't be mad Honey! Hehe.
Guess what I ordered? You have your husband's birthstone, DPSST number and abbreviation of the department they work in (obviously this is just an example and not actually mine). Super excited for this to come!
Happy Monday everyone. Don't go putting your kids in the washing machine! Did you see that video on the internet? Crazy! Some parents really should not have kids. Thank goodness that poor toddler is okay. ~S
Thursday, May 17, 2012
My {almost 11 year old} son came home yesterday with these two 50 cent coins. He then asked me why his friend gets $2 every time he unloads the dishwasher. Apparently, since my son helped his friend, he got half the money.
I laughed. First of all, my son has to unload the dishwasher four days a week, take out the recycling and garbage daily, clean his room, put away his laundry AND babysit for free unless it's a date. What does he get for all of this?! $2.50 a week. That is $10 a month.
Why am I writing this post? Because it is hard to compete with other parents and make your kid understand why he has to do certain things and why he only gets paid a certain amount.
This is what I told him...He lives in my house, is part of this family, needs to learn a good work ethic and everything in life is not about money. Some things you do because you want to contribute, be part of a family and help out.
Tough lesson for a boy his age. But, I will say this, if he wants to earn extra money, there are ample opportunities around here.
What are your kids' chores? Do they get allowance? ~S
I laughed. First of all, my son has to unload the dishwasher four days a week, take out the recycling and garbage daily, clean his room, put away his laundry AND babysit for free unless it's a date. What does he get for all of this?! $2.50 a week. That is $10 a month.
Why am I writing this post? Because it is hard to compete with other parents and make your kid understand why he has to do certain things and why he only gets paid a certain amount.
This is what I told him...He lives in my house, is part of this family, needs to learn a good work ethic and everything in life is not about money. Some things you do because you want to contribute, be part of a family and help out.
Tough lesson for a boy his age. But, I will say this, if he wants to earn extra money, there are ample opportunities around here.
What are your kids' chores? Do they get allowance? ~S
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
After much thought, I have decided to "delete" the blogs I was reading except for two.
With me working two jobs and the bulk of that time spent online, it is easy to get distracted and read blogs rather than using my time wisely and working. This leads to me not getting as much done as I want and me spending less time with my kids.
The reason why I kept these two blogs is because they are both inspirational to me for very different reasons. One is an author's blog and the other a busy mother of 6. I can't imagine not reading theirs.
I recently read an article about how mom's are always online. I was pondering this the other day after I realized that I was checking FB via my android while at the park with my girls. I realized at that moment that when Jaiden was a baby and for the first half of his life, I was not constantly "plugged in" to the virtual world. I did not text or have the ability to go online at a moments notice.
I want my girls to remember me being in the moment with them, not staring at my phone screen.
So, I will cut down on both blogging, blog reading and FB. Who knows, perhaps I will stop using FB all together :).
With me working two jobs and the bulk of that time spent online, it is easy to get distracted and read blogs rather than using my time wisely and working. This leads to me not getting as much done as I want and me spending less time with my kids.
The reason why I kept these two blogs is because they are both inspirational to me for very different reasons. One is an author's blog and the other a busy mother of 6. I can't imagine not reading theirs.
I recently read an article about how mom's are always online. I was pondering this the other day after I realized that I was checking FB via my android while at the park with my girls. I realized at that moment that when Jaiden was a baby and for the first half of his life, I was not constantly "plugged in" to the virtual world. I did not text or have the ability to go online at a moments notice.
I want my girls to remember me being in the moment with them, not staring at my phone screen.
So, I will cut down on both blogging, blog reading and FB. Who knows, perhaps I will stop using FB all together :).
Words in Pictures
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Dear Kids...
Since it's Mother's Day, I wanted to reflect individually on what being your Mother has meant to me.
Rocking you as a newborn in the NICU, gently stroking your temple trying not to touch your IV in your little head. Hoping that if I touched your head just right and prayed hard enough, I could heal the damage from the stroke and make you all better. Wiping thousands of tears from your head as I nursed you and cried for my sweet little girl and all the challenges you would face.
Getting up each morning and preparing for your cacoon nurse, physical therapist and case worker to come to the house and help me. Never once doubting that I would make you stronger, more confident and overcome your disabilities.
Watching you as a young girl progress and constantly reminding myself to not define you by your stroke, but rather by who you are. Treating you the same as your brother although I wanted to carry you like a broken bird and keep you close at all times.
Having patience as you grow and reach out to your teachers, speech pathologist and doctors to know how to better communicate with you. Believing that you will get past your language issues and building your confidence up so you can hold your head high in this world and know your mom loves you.
As your mother, I see the beauty inside. You are like me in so many ways. As I write this, there is a sweet note, taped up next to my bed that you made for Mother's Day. You have always been so thoughtful and kind. You are a loyal friend and sister. You can be stubborn at times, but don't hold a grudge very long. Perfection is your middle name (hmm...wonder where you get that from) both at home at at school. You always have to match and you prefer your hair short.
You are a spit-fire at times, but such a caring soul the rest of the time.
You were my first. You poor kid. LOL. You had to suffer all my mistakes and first parent paranoia. It meant me caving each time you wanted something. Taking you on daily adventures to parks, the zoo, Children's Museum and anything else your little heart desired. Buying you a ridiculous amount of Thomas the Trains, spending hours getting the track just the way you wanted it, just to watch you tear it down ten minutes later. Laughing every time you went around as a toddler with your mouth wide open,your obsession with binkies, balls (be-bongs as you called them) and your light up star towers.
Learning how to be patient with your endless need to take large amounts of toys everywhere we went, messes, and rough and tumble ways. I've had to learn to appreciate your ability to argue your way into anything you want, and your need for Independence.
Being your mom has meant letting you hang out with friends more than you do your family, stay home alone, babysit and gain more independence. It has also meant that you carry a lot of responsibility for taking care of your sisters and I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you do. I have no doubt that you will grow up and make me very proud.
Being your mom I have learned: burping in public, followed by the comment "Mom, I just burped" is not shocking anymore, eating boogers is part of being a kid, spitting, licking the dirt off your shoes and never having brushed hair or matching clothes is just really not that big of a deal. Yet.
Making dinner and having you come over and ask me to smell your feet is quite common. Learning to give up on listening to the radio while you are in the car is a necessity as you have soooo many questions to be answered and stories to tell. I have learned that you do not and will not sleep alone, wear underwear or go a day without watching Rugrats.
You can pack in three yogurts in one day, love a kitten like no other and make up some of the most creative games I have ever seen. You love with all of your heart and sometimes will reach over and hold my hand for no reason. You do not like to let people (including your family) see you smile and I am amazed at how smart you are. Love you Ash.
What Being a Mother in General Means to Me:
Carrying sweet little Ashlin up to bed after she defiantly fell asleep on the stairs.
Listening to the same kids CD over and over in the car, even singing along and clapping just to see a smile on your faces.
Sneaking in candy to a symphony to make a potentially boring two hours more fun.
Having to check on you one more time before climbing in my own bed.
Cuddling with you no matter how old you are and secretly smelling your hair to bring back sweet memories of your youth.
Watching Happy Feet 2 even though it is possibly the worst movie I have ever seen.
Watching you make your own mistakes and biting my tongue when you realize that what mom said was indeed true :).
Making sacrifices no matter how big or small to give you all a great life.
Going day after day with no sleep just to fit in all the daily tasks and special time with each of you.
Encouraging you daily and making sure to give you all positive praise.
Sleepless nights worrying about you, your future and the problems you must overcome.
Learning how to adjust my personality to fit with three completely different growing ones.
Patience to listen to whining, complaining, fighting and endless questions.
Quiet nights lying in bed thankful for three healthy kids, a home and a loving husband.
The pleasure of folding little clothes, making healthy meals to nourish your bodies, secretly listening to your imaginations and play chatter, watching you discover the world and laughter.
Having unconditional love and seeing all of you as the most talented, beautiful, smart, and capable kids that can do anything.
Having humor in times when there are tears, boredom or anger. Being silly to bring a smile no matter where you are, who you are with or what you are doing.
Being okay with little hands in my purse, in my drawers and basically all of my belongings.
Not being able to shower alone, use the bathroom alone or simply have privacy.
And...most importantly, everyday, having three sweet spirits in my life to remind me of how much I love their dad, the life we have created and to remind me of the simple things in life like laughter, joy and unconditional love.
Love Mom.
Rocking you as a newborn in the NICU, gently stroking your temple trying not to touch your IV in your little head. Hoping that if I touched your head just right and prayed hard enough, I could heal the damage from the stroke and make you all better. Wiping thousands of tears from your head as I nursed you and cried for my sweet little girl and all the challenges you would face.
Getting up each morning and preparing for your cacoon nurse, physical therapist and case worker to come to the house and help me. Never once doubting that I would make you stronger, more confident and overcome your disabilities.
Watching you as a young girl progress and constantly reminding myself to not define you by your stroke, but rather by who you are. Treating you the same as your brother although I wanted to carry you like a broken bird and keep you close at all times.
Having patience as you grow and reach out to your teachers, speech pathologist and doctors to know how to better communicate with you. Believing that you will get past your language issues and building your confidence up so you can hold your head high in this world and know your mom loves you.
As your mother, I see the beauty inside. You are like me in so many ways. As I write this, there is a sweet note, taped up next to my bed that you made for Mother's Day. You have always been so thoughtful and kind. You are a loyal friend and sister. You can be stubborn at times, but don't hold a grudge very long. Perfection is your middle name (hmm...wonder where you get that from) both at home at at school. You always have to match and you prefer your hair short.
You are a spit-fire at times, but such a caring soul the rest of the time.
You were my first. You poor kid. LOL. You had to suffer all my mistakes and first parent paranoia. It meant me caving each time you wanted something. Taking you on daily adventures to parks, the zoo, Children's Museum and anything else your little heart desired. Buying you a ridiculous amount of Thomas the Trains, spending hours getting the track just the way you wanted it, just to watch you tear it down ten minutes later. Laughing every time you went around as a toddler with your mouth wide open,your obsession with binkies, balls (be-bongs as you called them) and your light up star towers.
Learning how to be patient with your endless need to take large amounts of toys everywhere we went, messes, and rough and tumble ways. I've had to learn to appreciate your ability to argue your way into anything you want, and your need for Independence.
Being your mom has meant letting you hang out with friends more than you do your family, stay home alone, babysit and gain more independence. It has also meant that you carry a lot of responsibility for taking care of your sisters and I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you do. I have no doubt that you will grow up and make me very proud.
Being your mom I have learned: burping in public, followed by the comment "Mom, I just burped" is not shocking anymore, eating boogers is part of being a kid, spitting, licking the dirt off your shoes and never having brushed hair or matching clothes is just really not that big of a deal. Yet.
Making dinner and having you come over and ask me to smell your feet is quite common. Learning to give up on listening to the radio while you are in the car is a necessity as you have soooo many questions to be answered and stories to tell. I have learned that you do not and will not sleep alone, wear underwear or go a day without watching Rugrats.
You can pack in three yogurts in one day, love a kitten like no other and make up some of the most creative games I have ever seen. You love with all of your heart and sometimes will reach over and hold my hand for no reason. You do not like to let people (including your family) see you smile and I am amazed at how smart you are. Love you Ash.
What Being a Mother in General Means to Me:
Carrying sweet little Ashlin up to bed after she defiantly fell asleep on the stairs.
Listening to the same kids CD over and over in the car, even singing along and clapping just to see a smile on your faces.
Sneaking in candy to a symphony to make a potentially boring two hours more fun.
Having to check on you one more time before climbing in my own bed.
Cuddling with you no matter how old you are and secretly smelling your hair to bring back sweet memories of your youth.
Watching Happy Feet 2 even though it is possibly the worst movie I have ever seen.
Watching you make your own mistakes and biting my tongue when you realize that what mom said was indeed true :).
Making sacrifices no matter how big or small to give you all a great life.
Going day after day with no sleep just to fit in all the daily tasks and special time with each of you.
Encouraging you daily and making sure to give you all positive praise.
Sleepless nights worrying about you, your future and the problems you must overcome.
Learning how to adjust my personality to fit with three completely different growing ones.
Patience to listen to whining, complaining, fighting and endless questions.
Quiet nights lying in bed thankful for three healthy kids, a home and a loving husband.
The pleasure of folding little clothes, making healthy meals to nourish your bodies, secretly listening to your imaginations and play chatter, watching you discover the world and laughter.
Having unconditional love and seeing all of you as the most talented, beautiful, smart, and capable kids that can do anything.
Having humor in times when there are tears, boredom or anger. Being silly to bring a smile no matter where you are, who you are with or what you are doing.
Being okay with little hands in my purse, in my drawers and basically all of my belongings.
Not being able to shower alone, use the bathroom alone or simply have privacy.
And...most importantly, everyday, having three sweet spirits in my life to remind me of how much I love their dad, the life we have created and to remind me of the simple things in life like laughter, joy and unconditional love.
Love Mom.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Matt is working a strange shift for the next two weeks for training. He is working from 6pm to 4am, but he didn't get home until almost 8 this morning (yeah for overtime though). So, Maddie slept over at her best friends last night, Jaiden had his friend sleep over here, and me and Ash had our own sleepover :).
So what do you make two boys and one little cute girl for breakfast?
My mom used to make these when I was little. The boys wanted donuts, but since I was in rollers and a robe, we compromised. These are super easy. You just take some canned rolls, dip them in butter and cinnamon and sugar, then with a spoon, poke a small dent in the top and fill with jam. Bake and enjoy! They are crisp on the outside and soft in the inside. Not the healthiest thing to make, but I usually only make them about 1-2x a year :).
I also finally let Ashlin paint her own nails. Something she has been asking to do for the last year. She did a pretty good job considering that she is only 4. Sometimes letting them grow up is hard.~S
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Tuesday Ramblings
~Our friend is losing his dad to a lung infection. It breaks my heart as I have met his dad on many occasions. Such a sweet man. I went to the hospital today and dropped off some toffee to his family and a soft blanket so they could cuddle up while sitting in the room with him. I couldn't bear to go in, so I ended up asking a volunteer to drop it off. So sad. I am praying for a miracle that he somehow pulls through.
~I am working everyday this week at my editing job to earn a little extra spending cash to get a few of my friends a Mother's Day gift. I can't wait! I usually send out about 30 cards each year, but due to me just remembering that today, it is obviously not going to happen. Doh!
~While I was at work today, Matt decided to do a little pond in the backyard (now that are kids are older) and he plans on having some little frogs and lily pads in it. Too cute. He also had the house spotless when I got home and dinner going. Did I mention he was also taking care of two sick kids?! What a good man.
~We went on a date last night. We went and got me some wrinkle/facial creme at Costco (yes readers, I am nearly four years away from being 40) and some new soap for my woman parts. Here are the ones I am trying. I really like the goat milk one.
We also went and saw Avengers. My favorite part, when it was over. I LOVE movies like Batman, Spiderman and so forth, but this one was really disappointing. It was super slow and cheesy. Matt and I were dying laughing after. Too funny. I felt like we needed to be part of a comic book trading club to fit in with the audience. Lol.
~While running some errands today, I found this fabulous necklace. You can buy different charms to hook on it that are reversible. Here is a picture of one. What do you think? ~S
~I am working everyday this week at my editing job to earn a little extra spending cash to get a few of my friends a Mother's Day gift. I can't wait! I usually send out about 30 cards each year, but due to me just remembering that today, it is obviously not going to happen. Doh!
~While I was at work today, Matt decided to do a little pond in the backyard (now that are kids are older) and he plans on having some little frogs and lily pads in it. Too cute. He also had the house spotless when I got home and dinner going. Did I mention he was also taking care of two sick kids?! What a good man.
~We went on a date last night. We went and got me some wrinkle/facial creme at Costco (yes readers, I am nearly four years away from being 40) and some new soap for my woman parts. Here are the ones I am trying. I really like the goat milk one.
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Fragrance Free/All Natural |
~While running some errands today, I found this fabulous necklace. You can buy different charms to hook on it that are reversible. Here is a picture of one. What do you think? ~S
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The other side of it :) |
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Things to smile about...
1. Matt had six days off this last week. We went sledding at Mount Hood here in Oregon. It was actually really warm. The kids started off layered, but stripped down to just a t-shirt and pants. Beautiful day.
2. Matt has a business trip the first week of June to Bend, OR and I might just go for a day or so :).
3. After his business trip, he has 16 days off!
We are celebrating my birthday, my son's and then heading to Utah and Colorado.
We plan on going to Lagoon Amusement Park, A Dude Ranch and Underground Cave Park. Fun!
I also get to hang out with my girlfriends from high school and a few other good friends :).
4. Because Matt is so high in seniority at work, he should be able to get the shift he wants. If that is the case, he will continue to have three days off a week. Yeah!
5. I am pondering taking time off for our vacation as well. What do you think? I originally was going to work while on the road. Hmmmm....
6. Our friends own a nursery and we have gone there twice the last two weeks to get various plants for our yard. They have never been open to the public until now (and only until the end of May). They have plants from 6-30 dollars that you would normally pay triple that amount. I love planting in Spring :).
7. The first week of July we are celebrating our 13th anniversary at Stephanie Inn (a twice a year tradition for us, and the place we will be renewing our vows in 2014). Can't wait!!!!
Have a great week! ~S
1. Matt had six days off this last week. We went sledding at Mount Hood here in Oregon. It was actually really warm. The kids started off layered, but stripped down to just a t-shirt and pants. Beautiful day.
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What a beautiful view. |
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It's Christmas Story all over again. Can you tell I bundled Ash up a little too much. LOL. |
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Ashlin decided it was more fun to just use her sledding bibs to slide down. She actually went faster that way than with her sled. |
2. Matt has a business trip the first week of June to Bend, OR and I might just go for a day or so :).
3. After his business trip, he has 16 days off!
We are celebrating my birthday, my son's and then heading to Utah and Colorado.
We plan on going to Lagoon Amusement Park, A Dude Ranch and Underground Cave Park. Fun!
I also get to hang out with my girlfriends from high school and a few other good friends :).
4. Because Matt is so high in seniority at work, he should be able to get the shift he wants. If that is the case, he will continue to have three days off a week. Yeah!
5. I am pondering taking time off for our vacation as well. What do you think? I originally was going to work while on the road. Hmmmm....
6. Our friends own a nursery and we have gone there twice the last two weeks to get various plants for our yard. They have never been open to the public until now (and only until the end of May). They have plants from 6-30 dollars that you would normally pay triple that amount. I love planting in Spring :).
7. The first week of July we are celebrating our 13th anniversary at Stephanie Inn (a twice a year tradition for us, and the place we will be renewing our vows in 2014). Can't wait!!!!
Have a great week! ~S
Saturday, May 5, 2012
3 Things
1} Cheese can turn into something incredibly silly.
2} Seeing your child play with your husband's childhood toy is simply priceless.
3} The game Penguins on Ice is one of the best purchases I have ever made for my kids. I even plan on getting one for Maddie's teacher since she loved it so much. Check it out! The pieces move and you have to create 60 different puzzles. It is actually really hard. Such a fun way to teach geometry, problem solving and other skills.
2} Seeing your child play with your husband's childhood toy is simply priceless.
3} The game Penguins on Ice is one of the best purchases I have ever made for my kids. I even plan on getting one for Maddie's teacher since she loved it so much. Check it out! The pieces move and you have to create 60 different puzzles. It is actually really hard. Such a fun way to teach geometry, problem solving and other skills.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
You are probably wondering why I am blogging at 3 in the morning...
I can't fall asleep. Remember my post about possibly the worst fissures and pain I have been in a few weeks ago? They have still not healed completely and are in the process of healing over with scar tissue.
What does this mean to me? The feeling of creepy crawlies on my skin, itching and stinging.
So, instead of getting in the shower and crying, I opened the book Heaven is Here (I blogged about it the last post) and read these lines:
"Our hearts matter most. Your (Me) heart matters most, so be gentler and more patient with kinder and more compassionate to others. It's a beautiful heart, not a perfect body, that leads to a beautiful life." -Stephanie Nielson (nienie)
When I wake up in less than three hours to get my kids off to school, get ready for work and come home to work my second job grading finals + help my kids with homework, hear about their day and make dinner, I will not be grumpy from lack of sleep, general uncomfortableness and exhaustion.
I will be grateful, patient with myself, with my body to heal-although it is slow, and be kinder to those around me despite how I feel. ~S
I can't fall asleep. Remember my post about possibly the worst fissures and pain I have been in a few weeks ago? They have still not healed completely and are in the process of healing over with scar tissue.
What does this mean to me? The feeling of creepy crawlies on my skin, itching and stinging.
So, instead of getting in the shower and crying, I opened the book Heaven is Here (I blogged about it the last post) and read these lines:
"Our hearts matter most. Your (Me) heart matters most, so be gentler and more patient with kinder and more compassionate to others. It's a beautiful heart, not a perfect body, that leads to a beautiful life." -Stephanie Nielson (nienie)
When I wake up in less than three hours to get my kids off to school, get ready for work and come home to work my second job grading finals + help my kids with homework, hear about their day and make dinner, I will not be grumpy from lack of sleep, general uncomfortableness and exhaustion.
I will be grateful, patient with myself, with my body to heal-although it is slow, and be kinder to those around me despite how I feel. ~S
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
New Perspective
Wow. Reading Stephanie Nielson's book has changed my life. Literally.
I have not been able to put it down.
As I read her story, my heart broke for the many months she was in horrific pain in the burn unit, each time she cried when her daughter Jane was too scared to look at her, when her baby did not remember who she was, and when she got up enough courage to look in a mirror.
Her strength astounds me.
I'm not sure, in the same situation, that I would pull through.
Reading her book has given me a new appreciation for life in general and who I am.
Yes, it's true that I deal with pain daily, sometimes don't want to get out of bed and can barely function. But, as I put my kids to bed tonight, I was grateful that my strong body could lift Ashlin into my arms and softly kiss her neck and hear her laugh. It was me that chased my son around a park today and tickled him until he couldn't take it anymore. It was me who smiled as I watched my youngest and my oldest share a childhood tradition on a swing that I used to enjoy as I child...and I was the one to teach them.
I am grateful that I have never had to spend a night unwanted away from my children. No matter what tomorrow brings, I am grateful and blessed for each day I have had with my family and most importantly, I am grateful for me.
I may not be the weight I want, I might have a face covered in freckles and moles all over my body from too many years as a lifeguard, and my woman parts may be scarred, discolored and raw, but that's okay.
I am proud of those freckles and moles because they are part of me. I am proud that I have a body that can move and do simple yet important things like load laundry, climb stairs and cuddle my kids. I am proud for every stretch mark that brought my kids into this world and I am proud of the woman I have become.
It is amazing how you take your body and life for granted until you read someones story that changes your life. Every time I get down due to my fissures and pain, I will look at her book, read a few pages and be grateful and more importantly, humbled. My pain could be so much worse, my trials and path in life so much harder.
A quote taken from her book reads, "There is in every true woman's heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity. -Washington Irving
I could not agree more. Thank you Stephanie for sharing your story. I am truly grateful.
I have not been able to put it down.
As I read her story, my heart broke for the many months she was in horrific pain in the burn unit, each time she cried when her daughter Jane was too scared to look at her, when her baby did not remember who she was, and when she got up enough courage to look in a mirror.
Her strength astounds me.
I'm not sure, in the same situation, that I would pull through.
Reading her book has given me a new appreciation for life in general and who I am.
Yes, it's true that I deal with pain daily, sometimes don't want to get out of bed and can barely function. But, as I put my kids to bed tonight, I was grateful that my strong body could lift Ashlin into my arms and softly kiss her neck and hear her laugh. It was me that chased my son around a park today and tickled him until he couldn't take it anymore. It was me who smiled as I watched my youngest and my oldest share a childhood tradition on a swing that I used to enjoy as I child...and I was the one to teach them.
I am grateful that I have never had to spend a night unwanted away from my children. No matter what tomorrow brings, I am grateful and blessed for each day I have had with my family and most importantly, I am grateful for me.
I may not be the weight I want, I might have a face covered in freckles and moles all over my body from too many years as a lifeguard, and my woman parts may be scarred, discolored and raw, but that's okay.
I am proud of those freckles and moles because they are part of me. I am proud that I have a body that can move and do simple yet important things like load laundry, climb stairs and cuddle my kids. I am proud for every stretch mark that brought my kids into this world and I am proud of the woman I have become.
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I will rock those freckles! |
It is amazing how you take your body and life for granted until you read someones story that changes your life. Every time I get down due to my fissures and pain, I will look at her book, read a few pages and be grateful and more importantly, humbled. My pain could be so much worse, my trials and path in life so much harder.
A quote taken from her book reads, "There is in every true woman's heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity. -Washington Irving
I could not agree more. Thank you Stephanie for sharing your story. I am truly grateful.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
This is what happens....
Today, in the early morning hours after the kids were starting their day at school, Matt was sleeping and Ash was watching morning cartoons, I started this book.
I have been reading Stephanie's blog ( for quite some time now. She is LDS like me and was in a horrible plane crash that resulted in most of her body being burned.
I literally read all day due to my job as an editor and teacher, so at the end of the day the last thing I want to do is read again. So you know this must be a page turner for me to neglect everything else.
My sweet husband surprised me with this book and flowers when I got home from work yesterday :).
However, since I did nothing but read in the morning, ran my son to allergy shots and picked kids up from German club, this is what happened...
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The girls played quite well in their room :). |
Found Item
Around these parts, we have to take our shoes off when we come in the house.
Taking shoes off cuts down on the vacuuming and sweeping. However, I am left with a huge pile of shoes in my entry way and often times (due to little ones kicking them off wherever) I trip over them.
I was at a store I love called Home Goods and I came across this farm basket.
It is metal and distressed. It will actually hold quite a bit of shoes. I think on this particular day, there are about four pairs in there. Totally worth the $13 I paid for it. Plus, don't you think it looks cute in my entry way?! Organization makes me happy. ~S
Taking shoes off cuts down on the vacuuming and sweeping. However, I am left with a huge pile of shoes in my entry way and often times (due to little ones kicking them off wherever) I trip over them.
I was at a store I love called Home Goods and I came across this farm basket.
It is metal and distressed. It will actually hold quite a bit of shoes. I think on this particular day, there are about four pairs in there. Totally worth the $13 I paid for it. Plus, don't you think it looks cute in my entry way?! Organization makes me happy. ~S
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