Monday, May 21, 2012


I am a little overwhelmed with what is going on in the next week. Ugh.

I have: A funeral, wedding shower, baby shower, work, hair appointment, visit teaching appointments and running kids to various activities (shots, piano, birthday party and two school functions). Plus, my parents want to come from MT-it is my mom's birthday as well.


Being busy is good, but this is a little too busy for me :/.

June will be strange, but fun too.

Matt is leaving on a business trip (his first since he joined the PD) for three days.
Fun times trying to juggle my two jobs with him gone and three kids.

Then he has almost the whole month off due to us going on vacation. Yipee.

The last two weeks were rough to say the least. We had sick kids, I was sick and Matt was working strange hours. He was working almost 14 hours a day while on a training shift (DUI car) at night for two weeks. Glad that is over.

His new shift starts in July and he will still have three days off a week *happy sigh*.

This is what my kids are excited about right now. Yes, that is a cat, one a leash. Don't ask.

I am so amped up about our vacation to Utah! My childhood friend is flying from Kentucky to Utah and I am meeting up with three other childhood friends from my college days and HS. Also, my friend/old nanny boss and her kids will also be spending time with me and meeting my family. Sooo exicted. It will be hard to fit it all in in three days PLUS go to Lagoon (Six Flags).

We are planning on showing the kids the house that we lived in when we first got married, the house I grew up in and Matt grew up in and visiting with his family.

Then we are headed to Colorado to see his dad for Father's Day and spend the next week there. Fun Fun.

Matt is mad at me though. Why? Remember in my previous post how I was pondering on either working or not during our vacation? Guess what I did?! I signed up to teach a Psychology class. Naughty!

So...I will be working at least one job a few hours a day on vacation. I can't help it. Don't be mad Honey! Hehe.

Guess what I ordered? You have your husband's birthstone, DPSST number and abbreviation of the department they work in (obviously this is just an example and not actually mine). Super excited for this to come!

Happy Monday everyone. Don't go putting your kids in the washing machine! Did you see that video on the internet? Crazy! Some parents really should not have kids. Thank goodness that poor toddler is okay. ~S

1 comment:

  1. Love how you handle your busy week. Matt will be so suprised when he sees what you ordered,can not believe you how special it is. You are naughty to take on a class to teach while on vacation!! But , I know how tied you are to that computer and addicited to work. And also a glutton for punishment by overworking yourself with a smile!
    Mom and Dad would love to be there, but need to stay home, will be thinking of you. Love to all!
