Thursday, May 17, 2012


My {almost 11 year old} son came home yesterday with these two 50 cent coins. He then asked me why his friend gets $2 every time he unloads the dishwasher. Apparently, since my son helped his friend, he got half the money.

I laughed. First of all, my son has to unload the dishwasher four days a week, take out the recycling and garbage daily, clean his room, put away his laundry AND babysit for free unless it's a date. What does he get for all of this?! $2.50 a week. That is $10 a month.

Why am I writing this post? Because it is hard to compete with other parents and make your kid understand why he has to do certain things and why he only gets paid a certain amount.

This is what I told him...He lives in my house, is part of this family, needs to learn a good work ethic and everything in life is not about money. Some things you do because you want to contribute, be part of a family and help out.

Tough lesson for a boy his age. But, I will say this, if he wants to earn extra money, there are ample opportunities around here.

What are your kids' chores? Do they get allowance?  ~S

1 comment:

  1. I am a horrible mom when it comes to chores. I keep trying to give them chores but it doesn't last long. I just have them help me everyday with what needs to be done. We have tried charts, lists, money, cards, etc...
