Saturday, October 27, 2012

So here's the skinny

I had my phone appointment with Dr. Newman yesterday.

Here is the skinny: it will cost 7k plus airfare (I will stay at my brother's house) to get the treatment (not cure) for LS.

It consists of three treatments, spaced 6 months apart. As I have stated in a previous post, they will be injecting me with my own plasma and stem cells (taken from a donor site on my body).

Is it painful? Yes.
Is it risky? Yes.
Will my insurance cover any of it? No. It is considered experimental.
What is the recovery time? 2 days in LA and 7-10 days once I am home.

What will it do?  Help to regenerate my skin and will lessen my symptoms of LS (itching and burning).
Will I still have tearing and fissures? Yes.
Will it take away all of my pain and itching? No.

I have to do some soul searching, research and think about this. I think it would be worth it if I could get some relief and quality of life back.

Can I afford it? No.

We (family & friends) are currently brainstorming on fundraiser ideas for me.  So far this is what has been suggested: Avon fundraiser, Craft Bazaar in Utah, Fun Run/5k, BBQ and Box Social.

I am open to help, ideas and support. -S


  1. is this 7K for each visit? or total for all 3?

  2. 7K includes everything (all 3 treatments, meds and ultrasound treatment).
