Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Daughters in My Kingdom

Today was both emotional and amazing.

I went visit teaching earlier today (I go to the homes of two women, share a message, check on them and visit) and then was invited to go to an event at my church (LDS) for women.

Because I am not active in church, I either do not know about these events or I don't want to go alone, so I don't go. But, tonight (after years of me not attending one) for some reason I felt the need to go, especially after my friend said she was going. The great thing about having an older son, he can babysit at a moments notice. So, I literally dished the kids up their food and was out the door.

I am so glad I went. We ate some great food, got to know one another and then watched a presentation on "Daughters in My Kingdom." Basically, the message was that no matter how small or insignificant we think we may be, we can impact our sisters here on Earth, strengthen families, help those in need and create change. Sometimes the smallest action can make the biggest impact on some one's life.

It brought me to tears. This is why I love our church. Our motto "Charity never Faileth" holds true to my heart. It is the foundation of my soul and I try to practice it in my everyday life. You have to discover your own personal revelation in order to serve others and each time I do serve my sisters, it brings me great joy. It is my way of showing my love for them.

I got to thinking about all the various friends I have, and I did not realize until tonight, that most of them I met from a fellow sister in my church, through visit teaching and through my own desire to serve others (bringing a neighbor a pie to introduce myself, inviting a neighbor to our Easter Egg Hunt, etc.).

What an important message I have to teach my girls. To be a daughter in His kingdom. To reach out to women in the community, friends and complete strangers. To reach out on a personal level, to show that there is still good in the world and to feel connected to the greater good.

Tonight, for the first time in years, I felt a sisterhood to a room full of mostly strangers, a love and appreciation that God blessed me with the desire to serve others, and a gratitude for the women in the room that have walked into my life when at times I felt so very alone.

I encourage all of you who read this blog to do one act of charity tomorrow. Give a friend you have not spoken to a call, drop goodies off at a friend's doorstep, send a card, help someone in need or simply open the door for a complete stranger. Each of these acts, no matter how small leaves an impression, not only on the other person, but on your soul.

I will leave you with a quote....“Charity is a virtue of the heart, and not of the hands.”

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