Now that you have picked your jaw up off the floor, let me explain.
First, this is NOT my first tattoo, and second (don't worry mom) I thought long and hard (three years to be exact) to make sure I indeed wanted this on my body.
The other one I have, I got over 15 years ago, and no, I do not regret it-not for a second.
The most common question people ask is why that one?
So, let me tell you. When I was born, I had some health issues. I had seizures and learning disabilities. Shocker, I know. LOL. Anyway, my parents were told that I would never make it past 1st grade.
Despite all my struggles (and believe me, there were a ton!) I not only made it past 1st grade, I also made it past high school, my BA and my MBA. I even had top honors in college.
I wanted a tattoo to symbolize my many, many years in school and remind myself how hard I have worked to achieve my degrees. Especially since I got both while raising small kids. So, what better than a symbol of it. I think it is awesome. It says in Latin, "The Wise of Heart Seek Knowledge."
Graduating twice from college was one of the most proudest moments of my life. Indescribable. I never want to forget it. Like my other tattoo, this one is pretty much hidden (it's on the back of my neck) and I can choose when it is seen. I am not the type to "show off" my tattoos, so maybe if we chance to meet, you may catch a glimpse of it.
Oh, and did I mention Matt got a second one too? The artist (and yes, he is an artist. This guy is amazing. He is booked months out, is very expensive and travels to Europe to tattoo) only had time to do Matt's outline, as his is freakin huge-it covers his upper back and shoulders.
And YES, it hurt, but not bad at all. I can actually compare it to the pain I have with my fissures from LS. Here is a glimpse of mine getting colored.~S
How special! You have so much to be proud of. The tattoo is a great reminder.