I worked almost 30 hours Sunday-Monday at my editing job. So, I am done with editing until Friday AND I don't have to grade until the Monday after Easter. So...what is a girl to do?
I went shopping and got two new shirts, one to wear on Easter with a cute necklace that I have been wanting and I took the kids to a movie-The Lorax and they helped me decorate for our Easter lunch and egg hunt that is coming up on Saturday. We are having 21 kids and their parents, so there is a ton to do! Last night, I watched a scary movie just because I could. I am always working until I about pass out at night, so it was nice to just sit and watch TV.
Today, I got the kids off to school and slept in until Ash woke up. Ahhhh...so nice. Then the girls and I organized their closet and set aside clothes to give to friends. Later, I am going Easter shopping with a friend while Jaiden babysits :).
I have had so much fun just having a few days to breathe! Tomorrow I will continue to get ready for our party and perhaps see if Matt wants to go to breakfast or lunch before we tackle the yard and get some cleaning done.
He needs some cheering up. His work is going to 8 hour shifts, 5 days a week, instead of 10 hour shifts 4 days a week. He is pretty bummed. I am trying to stay positive, although it will mess up my ability to work and have him here to watch Ash. Two more years...two more years, and then Ash will be in school full-time and things won't be so hard to juggle. It will require me being more flexible about when I go in to the office. Thank goodness my other job is from home. We are so lucky to have never required childcare for our kids :). With both of our jobs making major changes lately and us having to adjust, it has been tough to say the least.
Before, he had three days off a week, something we both cherished. It made it really easy, especially if we wanted to go to the beach or camping for a few days. With his job, he has court some weeks on one of his days off, so only having two makes it hard to plan anything if he uses one of them to work at court. Ugh. Plus, with his job, he really needs a day to relax after coming off a weeks shift due to the hypervigilance that he is constantly in all week as an officer. I think the change will be hard on him both physically and mentally. I am hoping it all works out.
But....I am so excited for Easter this year and Maddie's birthday at the end of the month. Can you believe she will be 7! I can't.
Happy rest of the week everyone :). ~S
Wow, that REALLY stinks about Matt's work. I am sorry....I've always envied his three day weekends! Hopefully his days feel shorter at work though. Why did they change it?