Thursday, April 19, 2012

Finding Balance

Balance. That is a huge word.

Now that I am a working mother of three, that word has taken on a whole new meaning.

My days are filled with major time management, school activities, doctor/dentist appointments, household chores, friendships and everything else that comes with being a mother, friend, wife and sister.

Some days, I get a little overwhelmed and yearn for a day where I can just bake, clean my house and play with my kids. But, I had over nine years of those days and boy did they go fast.

I really like working, don't get me wrong, but, it is a major balancing act.

I don't think I am less of a mom now that I am working. My kids really have not been affected. They are not in daycare, their dad or I are always here and we actually have more money to take them to things we otherwise could not afford. But EVERYTHING has to be scheduled! Mama mia!

I am a spontaneous person, so this has been hard. However, I am proud that I have a career and still able to balance other aspects of my life. I don't feel like I have taken on too much or that things are out of control, just really lacking sleep!

I still only have one day off, but during the other six days since I mainly work from home, I manage to get quite a bit of quality time with friends and family.

Of course it helps that my son is constantly outside with friends and my daughters go to my friends house to play a ton! Her daughter is my daughter's BFF :).

I also have to say that since I started working, I make it more of a point to see friends :). Thanks for coffee and breakfast this morning Jenn R. :).

I do need a vacation though (did you notice my count down on the blog?!) and we might try to sneak in some camping in the next week or so.

My favorite place to quiet my mind is the Oregon coast. Where is your favorite spot?

I am off to a science fair :). Adios! ~S

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