Monday, April 23, 2012


I have an almost five year old and let me tell you, she is LAZY!

When I ask her to do something, she does not do it, which is resulting in her getting grounded from things like TV or doing fun activities. She will not put away her laundry or clear her dishes. So, I have decided to start cracking down. LOL. No really.

Starting tomorrow, she is grounded from TV (because she would not put her laundry away today) and she cannot watch TV any other day until she has done a few things. So what are those few things you ask?

She has to do some homework (her birthday falls past the deadline to start school when she is 5, so we have to wait until she is 6) out of a book I got at Barnes & Noble, get dressed, brush her teeth and hair, make sure the cat has food and water, clean her room, eat breakfast and clear her dishes. Not asking too much, right?!

She is a little spit-fire and very independent. She wants to do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it. Yikes. Even if we have something planned, she still does not want to get dressed or brush her hair.

She also takes advantage because I leave for work after the two older kids get on the bus and since her dad works until midnight, he has to sleep-in, which makes for some mornings filled with TV.

It is not unlikely for me to come home from work and find her still in her jammies. Not from a lack of work on my husband's part, but rather she loves to stay in her jammies, always has. It is a huge argument to get her to get dressed. No more!

Time to crack the whip and get her on a schedule. Perhaps this is because she is our baby? Who knows. I will let you know how this "schedule" goes :). ~S

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