Friday, September 12, 2014

September Update

I was thinking last night that I needed to update this blog. I hadn't realized it had been so long! I got used to updating Facebook and forgot :/ However, I don't use that anymore, so here it goes!

To catch you up...
I did another fundraiser after a friend of mine in California made a generous offer to match any donations made in the month of May. Long story short, I raised enough to get my 4th treatment on August 28th. We raised around 16k in total. Amazing! I definitely am lucky to be surrounded by such a great community of friends. Seriously so blessed.

My treatment went well and I am recovering. The stem cell site (lipo on my abdomen) is fully healed, but will be swollen for a few more weeks. The injection sites are closed, but I have a cactus prickly feeling, some itching, and the typical bugs crawling sensation. Matt has been on FMLA since the 25th and will go back Monday. It has been great to have his help around the house and with the kids. Last night he even gave me a home pedicure.

I am not in remission, but hope to be someday.  Again, I am so blessed to have found Dr. Newman and his staff in L.A. The stem cell + plasma procedure has made my LS symptoms less (80% reduction in itching, and fissures/skin tears heal in a week rather than months. They are also not as deep) and I am grateful for that. I am excited to see the changes in the next few months as the stem cells do their job in regenerating the skin.

Dr. Newman uses a machine called an Avacen. It reduces inflammation in the body. It is costly (3k), but someday :) It helps with twenty-three other diseases.

For more information go here:

More doctors are starting trials with the stem cell therapy in the U.S. That is fabulous news! Dr. Newman has perfected it though and is in the process of getting some articles published. If you have Lichen Sclerosus please visit his site here:

Hopefully one day insurance companies will cover the cost so people don't have to pay out-of-pocket.

Since this is a blog about LS, below is a picture of what my vulvar area looks like after 4 treatments. The clitoris is gone and the skin tears are about 50% less deep than they were before the treatments. It is a horrific disease that makes everyday functioning miserable. I pray someday, before my vulvar area is too deformed and I have increased nerve damage, there will be a cure.

Thank you so much for all your continued support. xoxox ~S

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