Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Life on Graveyards

After 3 weeks, we are finally on a schedule with Matt working graveyards.
(This is more for my record than you..so sorry if it is boring.)

This is a glimpse of what a typical week looks like around the Barbee clan.

Monday & Tuesday:

Matt gets home at 9 am.  By this time, I am usually ready to go to work and the kids have been fed breakfast and are dressed (and doing chores).

I leave and Matt spends an hour or so with the kids (usually in the hot tub) then goes to bed (Jaiden babysits).

I get home just after lunch. I make the kids lunch, they have friends over (and I constantly have to remind them to be quiet), I sneak in some work (either editing or grading), we go on an outing (Oaks, Skateworld, grocery shopping, swimming, a park, playdates, etc.) and then come home for dinner at 6.

Matt wakes up between 5 and 9 (depending on when he went to bed) and we have family time.  Sometimes he is up for dinner and sometimes he is not. We may go on a walk, watch our favorite show or just spend time together.

We get the kids ready for bed and he leaves at 9 pm for work.

After the kids are in bed, I clean up the house, work, workout, watch TV and go to bed (usually around 2am). It takes me forever to get to sleep because I hate sleeping alone :/.


Matt gets home again at 9am. This is his Friday, so he will take a long nap (assuming he does not have court), I go to work and then we have the rest of the day together as he has the day off.

Thursday & Friday:

Matt has these two days off as well. Family Time! I work a few hours.

Saturday & Sunday:

Matt goes back to work Saturday night at 9. He usually will take about a 4 hour nap during the day or in the evening. I pick-up work on Saturday then grade and edit over the weekend.

*Our days are really strange sometimes because if Matt has court or a doctor's appointment, he won't get to sleep (on the days he works) until later and then I don't see him at all due to me being at work in the morning. :(.  We try to limit these days as much as possible.

Coordinating two schedules is really hard, but we are adjusting. Thank goodness it is only until the end of December then he will be back on days or swing shift :).

Once the kids are in school, I will get them on the bus (at 6:45) then get ready for work.  Matt will get home at 9 and I will leave. He will take Ash to preschool at 12 then come home and go to bed. I will get home before the kids (including Ash) get done with school and have a few hours to kill :). I am not going to lie, I am kind of excited for that. Lunch with friends, shopping, grading or just getting some work or organization around the house done!

I am so grateful that I can work and still be there for my kiddos.



  1. It makes me tired (or at least feel lazy) just reading your busy schedule!!

  2. Lol. I didn't include VT, kids activities, appointments or editing a dissertation that I got hired to do!
