Monday, July 30, 2012


I had such a hectic day and I ended up losing it (kind of) by the time night rolled around.  Here is the story...

I woke up and went to work (once Matt got home from graves). When I got home, the kids had not been fed lunch (arg) so I ended up getting them fast food (not good) then we hurried to Jaiden's allergy shot appointment at which I edited while we waited.

We got home and Maddie's two friends came over and one of Jaiden's. Have you ever had to keep 6 kids downstairs and quiet (even in the backyard) while you work, so you don't wake your sleeping husband?!! Stressful!

Once the neighbor kids left, I went and picked up a pizza (hey, cut me some slack). Got home and worked once again while it was cooking and then promptly after.

Matt woke up and got the kids in the hot tub to play while yes, I worked again.

Then he left for work, and I got the kids to bed, did laundry, dishes, cleaned and again, worked until 12.

I still need to finish up household chores and hurry to bed as tomorrow will be worse.

I am going to work in the morning, take the kids to Oaks Amusement Park all day and come home to edit, grade and do more household chores.

I am ready for Wednesday to roll around so Matt will be off work and can help more. Sigh......

And I always said I didn't need a maid. Bahahaha.

I will pull it just gets hard juggling so much.


1 comment:

  1. It's a miracle you even function beyond a Zombie state! I would be exhausted constantly. You are a Super Woman!!
