Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why I Hate LS

Sorry, but I feel like venting...

1} I have been getting little or no sleep due to itching and the bugs crawling feeling.

2} The itching right now is not only at night, but also during the day! Oh joy!

3} I cannot control what I do in my sleep-Meaning, I wake up and discover I have been scratching and must pay the price.

4} My husband thinks parking the truck far away and walking to Costco is a brilliant idea. Maybe for someone NOT in pain.

5} I'm positive that lack of sleep is not helping my disease-something that is completely out of control right now.

6} Again, I feel like I am drowning.

7} I saw a sign the other day at a church that said, "If you had the chance, what would you ask God?"
This is easy, "Why Me?"

I know things could be much worse. I could be blind, dying and so forth, but for me, right now, I am having a hard time. I have discovered that for me, it is okay to break down every few months and feel sorry for myself. After all, there is little or no research going on, it is a rare condition, I know only one other person who has it, and I am very much alone. Being in pain and itching all.the.time SUCKS! Just imagine a yeast infection AND paper cuts the width of a toothpick down there.

8} There is not a day that goes by that I am not reminded of my disease.

9} I HATE LS...


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