Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Women & Friendship

“Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being.” -Albert Schweitzer

I have wanted to write on this subject many, many times.

Women & Friendships:

Many times in my life I have heard a friend say that at some point in our friendship (or even an encounter) they were threatened by me. I have never understood this.

I firmly believe that God gives us talents to bless and serve others-one of mine happens to be cleaning and organization. What is so threatening to women about that?! I.don't.get.it.

I have only had one friendship dissolve over it-but many friends bring it up constantly. It drives me crazy.
I think that all women have this picture in their head about what the "ideal" or "perfect" woman is and when they see a friend possess an attribute that they don't have or are struggling with, they get threatened. I believe that it has to do with an insecurity in that person that causes them to feel that way.

I have always appreciated my friends' talents and have never been threatened by them. All my friends have unique talents that I highly appreciate-especially when I have no clue how to do most of them or have failed miserably when trying.

I have friends who can sew (I failed at this my first time trying in Home Economics in Junior High). Need a button sewed on? I'm your girl. Need anything else done-don't come knocking on my door unless you want your pant legs sewn together. Mom, you know what I am talking about!

I know that I am good at some things and terrible at others and I accept that fully.  I realize that God makes each person different and gives them unique talents to share with others. If we were all the same, how boring would that be!

I appreciate myself for what I am and that makes me beautiful.
So many of my friends have not let me help them clean their house or feel they have to "prep" for me to come over. Crazy! Insanity! I seriously have no idea where they get this from. I have never told them their house is sick, disgusting or not to my liking. I do not form relationships with people due to their cleanliness, but rather their talents that can enrich my life and make me strive to be a better person.

I am a strong believer in learning from the women in my life. Is does not matter if we are in different chapters in life-we all have something to contribute. Friendships are a necessary source of sustenance and joy. Those who truly know me, know that I would bend over backwards for anyone.  I would be at your house with a hot meal, cleaning supplies or a shoulder to cry on in an instant. I'm not going to be focusing on whether there are clothes on the floor or dust in the corners-but rather you and how I can help. When you are unable to do the daily demands of life, a friend should be there to lighten your load, pick you up and light the way.

I hope all my friends can find that beauty within and learn to appreciate their talents, the talents of others and embrace their sisters for who they are. I would not wish my life (with my disease) on anyone, and I wish people would understand that cleaning is my only outlet (besides music) that lets me unload and reach some sort of calm when I have pain days. Maybe that is why my house is so clean! I have too many pain days :(

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