Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I may have peaked at my son's diary. Okay, I confess, I did read some pages and was glad I did. My son is turning ten in a matter of weeks and I am so glad that he is in my life. Out of all three of my kids, my son is the quiet one. He is like me.

He only shares certain things, is past the age of cuddles, kisses and hugs (although I still force them on him) and is very responsible for his age.

The book I peaked at is a diary called, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Do-It-Yourself Book." I'm sure most of you recognize the title as the popular children's books and films. Basically, it asks you questions and you fill it in and there are some blank pages in the back to write a journal.

I bought it for him about a year ago in the hopes that he would write in it. I wish I had a journal to document my childhood.

I flipped through it when I was cleaning his room the other day. Yes, my son cleans his own room (according to his standards) but sometimes I go in there and tidy it up a bit according to mine (about once every month just so I can at least vacuum..LOL). Here are some cute things he wrote that I thought would be fun to share and document-especially because they are all new to me:

1.  His favorite animal is a snake

2.  He once had a dream that a 1,000 pound man was chasing him and going to eat him.

3.  He thinks parents should be banned from dancing within twenty feet of him (hmmmm...does this mean   I dance bad?!)

4.  He wants to live in the mountains, have two kids, a cat and own a helicopter.

5.  His house will include: a bowling alley, rollerskating rink, room full of gold, arcade, indoor pool, hot tub, and a giant refrigerator.

6.  He has drawn a picture so scary it gave him nightmares. Hee Hee

Too cute. I am glad he is still so innocent. Kids grow up way too fast. Pretty soon he will be in junior high, dating, driving and then moving away. I am so glad that I had the chance to have a son. Boys are so special and I am so proud of him :)

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