Thursday, August 25, 2011


Ya know when you are in so much pain that you just get down right grumpy? Well, that was me the last few days.

I have not been sleeping due to itching and the days are miserable-especially since Portland has been in the 90's.

Most people who don't have chronic pain do not understand that you cannot take a day off-you have to push through it. I still have to work, my kids still need to be taken care of and I still have to be a wife, friend, daughter and sister.

So, I graded 60 papers in two days, edited many reports and took care of a sick kid...all while in pain. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper.

I decided that I needed a date night and we all needed a family day. So last night my sweet friend watched the girls while we went out to dinner at my favorite place-Swagath-and then did a little shopping. However, I didn't last long as walking was painful.

Today, we went to the beach for a few hours and tomorrow, after I work, we are going to pick berries and I am going to make some pies. Yum.

Daily I have to fight the desire to crawl up in a ball, cry, and give up. But, I must remind myself that I have three important reasons to go on....Jaiden, Madeleine and Ashlin.

I have to do things I think I can't-otherwise, I will do nothing. ~S

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