Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ashlin & Growing Up

There is a phase that kids go through-at least my kids, where they hit the age of four and I am faced with a huge challenge...giving them their independence. So far, the girls have been the worst.

So what does this challenge look like?!

-Wanting to put on what they want, when they want and how they want. Basically, clothes that don't match, are too hot for the weather, dirty, jammies during the day, two different kinds of shoes and hair combed by them. For me, this means taking a deep breath and just saying who cares?!

We went out with my husband's boss the other day and Ashlin was sporting two different kinds of shoes and her hair was a mess. But, she would not let me comb or fix her hair and would not change her shoes. I have come to the terms that this is just Ashlin. If I fight with her, she refuses to do anything...so until she starts school, I will let her win this battle, as I have done with my other kids.

-Not coming in for morning cuddles anymore. She has decided that it is much cooler to hang out with her older brother and sister in the morning.

-Just staring at me when I tell her to do something. Yes, she is testing her boundaries. This has been fun. NOT!

Long gone is my cute, loving little toddler, replaced with a independent, testy little fireball. Oh well. Some of her quirky traits are what I love the most about her.

I have heard from other parents that age four is much worse than the terrible two's and I am going to have to agree.


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