Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This is what happens....

Today, in the early morning hours after the kids were starting their day at school, Matt was sleeping and Ash was watching morning cartoons, I started this book.

I have been reading Stephanie's blog (nieniedialogues.com) for quite some time now. She is LDS like me and was in a horrible plane crash that resulted in most of her body being burned.

 I literally read all day due to my job as an editor and teacher, so at the end of the day the last thing I want to do is read again. So you know this must be a page turner for me to neglect everything else.

My sweet husband surprised me with this book and flowers when I got home from work yesterday :).

However, since I did nothing but read in the morning, ran my son to allergy shots and picked kids up from German club, this is what happened...

Once again, the laundry did not get put away. (Note: This is the first time the laundry has been moved from on top of the dryer folded to the hallway. LOL.) Do you think it will put itself away in the girls room?

The girls played quite well in their room :).

The kids made their own snacks. Yes, that is seaweed.  And the bowl? That's a toy frog that is supposed to grow after putting it in water for a week, thus its new home is on my counter, in my mixing bowl.

Tape is found on various items--only one of which is paper. Thanks Ash :).

Now I have to grade 59 finals. However, all I can do is think about reading that darn book, and blogging of course. I need an intervention! ~S

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