Saturday, September 8, 2012


I had a few days off before school started for the kids, so I decided to gut my house.  I essentially cleaned out all closets and improved/changed some rooms. We still have Jaiden's room to do though. His dad has some cool ideas in mind that involve an industrial look using things he will be able to take and use in a garage when he is older. Trust me, it is NOT what you are thinking. I will post some pics when it is done :). I love updating a house, don't you? ~S

Laundry Room
We removed the cheap white wire shelf the builder put in and did this instead.

Other side.
Notice my antique iron on the second shelf? Those are clothes pins in the glass jar.
I still need to get a clock for the wall on the right and an antique washboard for another wall.

My girls room. I was sick of their toys under their bed, so I got this at Costco. We also got them a trundle, so under the bed storage was no longer an option.

New bed & bedding.