Monday, August 20, 2012

This I know

I am 10 pounds lighter.

I love edamame.

Ashlin cannot sleep without her sister (thus the sleepovers in my bed every night).

I have yet to clean out the toy closet.

I have not ate anything I am allergic to.

Going to Chucky Cheese, the park to play in the water AND work is exhausting.

I hate my husband on graveyards.

I get a high just from being in the mountains.

I have a Sobe lifewater with me at all times.

I don't think I will EVER like getting my picture taken.

I am still not used to my husband wearing a wedding band (he just got one).

Listening to your three kids play happily in a tent is a wonderful sound.

Deep cleaning a Honda Pilot burns a ton of calories.

Devouring a good book in three days is life changing.

I am excited for Miss Maddie to come home on Friday. ~S

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