Friday, August 31, 2012


Here we are going into the last weekend before school starts for the kids. I cannot believe it is almost Fall!

We are getting used to Maddie's new diet (no egg, milk or wheat) and finding new places to eat. Downtown Portland has some great restaurants that serve healthy food. We tried one tonight called the Laughing Planet Cafe. Check it out here:

It was soooo good.

I will be a busy bee on the 4th. I am teaching two classes, start the dissertation editing for a PhD student and my editing job.

Tomorrow we are having our back-to-school party and then I am going to get crazy with my house in terms of organization and cleaning. Not a very fun weekend, but it has to be done before school starts and things get crazy with work.

Ashlin's birthday is in 13 days too. My baby will be 5!

I am going to watch a little Lost, eat a Clif Crunch bar, drink some Sobe and then head off to sleep land early tonight :). ~S


  1. Laughing Planet is so good! Have you ever been to Cafe Yumm? There's a few downtown and one in Beaverton too. They have these Yum Bowls that are really good and I think they would fit with Maddie's diet. Just a thought. :)

    I am totally into Greys Anatomy the way you are into LOST now. ;) It's fun having a show to watch. I'll be curious to hear what you think when you finish LOST.

  2. Patti-I have not been to Cafe Yumm, but Matt has. We actually were headed there the night we found Laughing Planet.

    I watched Grey's Anatomy for quite a while and then it just became to soap opera type for me. You will have to tell me if it gets better. ~S
