Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday Nonsense

Remember when you were a kid and you used to love to rearrange furniture in your room?

Well, I did. I have come to the conclusion, that with a small house and three kids, it is no longer fun anymore. 

Since I moved my desk down to the front living room, I had to move a liquor cabinet in the kitchen. I got sick of the table in front of it because it looked all crammed in there, so this is what it looks like now.

It does make this area cozier I guess.

I can't wait until we move into a bigger house :/.

In other news...I just started a third job. I am doing some side work editing a dissertation for a PhD student. It is projected that I will be working on it for a year. The pay ends up being almost as good as my other two jobs ($40 an hour take-home).  I think I will set aside the money for a rainy day :).

We are going camping tomorrow until Saturday, then Maddie leaves to Las Vegas, NV for a week.

Are you ready for school? I have all three kids school supplies purchased and the girls stuff bought except for shoes. I need shirts for Jaiden.  Thanks to two friends, I hardly need anything for the girls since they gave me sack fulls of girls clothes (thanks Jenn B. and Jenn G.).

My 5k is in approximately 8 weeks :). My little brother will be here a few days before to run in the Portland Marathon. My kids are doing the kids dash at the same time as I do the 5k. It is fun to train as a family.

I am exhausted and still need to run on the treadmill. Wish me luck! ~S

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